Earlier this year, both the Australian Government and Queensland Government issued their initial responses to the Disability Royal Commission’s recommendations. The responses generated disappointment throughout the disability community, including the disability advocacy sector. QIDAN has carefully analysed the Australian and Queensland Governments’ responses to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report and recommendations, and we have… Continue reading QIDAN position paper – Government responses to DRC
The creation of a Foundational Supports Framework is one of the key recommendations made in the NDIS Review Report released in October 2023. Consultations were open to the public for discussion about what these supports should look like. QIDAN attended two sessions online and one face-to-face session in Brisbane to provide input and advice from… Continue reading QIDAN submission – General Foundational Supports
As the coordinator of QIDAN, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) was engaged by the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (‘the Department’) and Queensland Treasury Corporation (‘QTC’) to consult with the advocacy sector in Queensland to inform the early development of a disability Targeted Foundational Supports Service System (TFSSS). In our consultations with… Continue reading QIDAN submission – Targeted Foundational Supports
QIDAN consulted with its advocates across Queensland, who delivered over 10,000 hours of assistance related to NDIS issues in the 2022-2023 financial year. The National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No. 1) Bill 2024 (‘The NDIS Bill No 1 2024’) caused some agitation in the disability community, given the numerous changes… Continue reading QIDAN submission – NDIS Bill No. 1 2024
QIDAN welcomes the human rights approach and anti-discrimination reforms proposed by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the DRC Report). The first section of our submission recommends that the proposed reforms made by the DRC Report are incorporated in this draft Bill. This is a great opportunity for… Continue reading QIDAN submission – Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024
In this submission, QIDAN calls for de-institutionalization and phasing out of group homes as recommended by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the DRC Report). To facilitate proper de-institutionalization, immediate interim reforms are imperative for Level 1, 2 and 3 residential services aiming to enhance safety, security and… Continue reading QIDAN submission – Supported Accommodation Inquiry
In the lead up to the next Queensland Government budget, the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN) has provided a written submission to Queensland Treasury about the level of funding needed for disability advocacy in our state. After analysing data from our collective advocacy work and the level of unmet need, QIDAN proposed a modest… Continue reading QIDAN submission – disability advocacy funding
The implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) brought about significant positive change in the lives of numerous individuals with disabilities. NDIS participants moved from institutions to their own homes with home modifications, assistive technology, supports, and specialist disability accommodation (SDA). Assistance dogs were funded, community access was improved, as well as the level… Continue reading QIDAN submission – NDIS Review
New System of Federal Administrative Reviews On 19 December 2022, the Australian Government announced it will establish a new system of administrative review. As part of these changes, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) will be abolished and replaced with a new federal administrative review body. The Australian Government will introduce legislation into Parliament in 2023… Continue reading New System of Federal Administrative Reviews
News in the sector Disability employment site launched Disability advocate and 2022 Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott AO has launched a site to connect people with disability to inclusive employers in a way that is innovative, accessible and trustworthy to people with disability. The Field is designed by people with disability for people with… Continue reading Sector Update – December 2022
In December 2022, the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN) provided a written submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission – DRC) about the issues parents with disability face when engaged with the child safety system. Over the course of 2022, the principal advocate… Continue reading QIDAN DRC submission – child safety
News in the sector Changes in NDIA leadership For the first time in its history, the National Disability Insurance Agency has appointed a person with disability as Chairman of the Board – former Paralympian Kurt Fearnley AO. The NDIA Board will also welcome new members Dr Graeme Innes AM and Ms. Maryanne Diamond AO. This… Continue reading Sector Update – October 2022
On Saturday 17 September Mitry Lawyers announced a class action would be launched against the Commonwealth Government on behalf of people who are 65 years and over and who have a disability, due to their exclusion from the NDIS. To gain access to the NDIS, a person must meet several criteria, which includes the age… Continue reading NDIS class action
In August 2022, the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN) met with the Hon Craig Crawford, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, to discuss some of the key issues that Queenslanders with disability experience. Following the meeting, QIDAN prepared a report for the Minister highlighting housing… Continue reading QIDAN data analysis – housing
In July 2022, the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN) prepared a report for the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP). The report analyses the Pathways information & referral services as well as Queensland Disability Advocacy Program data from January – May 2022. The report highlights the significant… Continue reading QIDAN data analysis
About us Pathways was created to assist Queenslanders with disability, their families, friends, and carers to find disability advocacy support based on their needs and location, ending the need for people to call multiple organisations trying to find who is best placed to assist. Pathways aims to understand the issues Queenslanders with disability are facing,… Continue reading Call for Volunteers
After the official launch on 1 April 2022, the 11 organisations which collectively make up the Queensland Disability Advocacy Network met to discuss our systemic priorities for the upcoming year. During the day, the network decided to rename itself to the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network. The inclusion of the word ‘independent’ was unanimously voted… Continue reading QDAN Renamed to QIDAN
On 1 April 2022, the Hon. Craig Crawford MP, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships officially launched the newly funded state-wide information and referral service “Pathways” and the newly formed Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network (QIDAN). The launch was attended by the Pathways staff, the 11… Continue reading The Official Launch!
Pathways is a newly established state-wide information and referral service, funded by the Queensland Government to connect Queenslanders with disability to advocacy services. Queenslanders with disability, their friends, families and carers can contact Pathways by telephone, email, or web enquiry to receive information and referrals to assist with issues they are experiencing. Pathways was created… Continue reading What is Pathways?
While Pathways has been taking both phone and web based enquiries from Queenslanders since the beginning of January, the team behind Pathways are excited for the upcoming official launch. Pathways will be joined by the representatives of the Queensland Disability Advocacy Network (QDAN), which will also be launch by the Hon. Craig Crawford MP, Minister… Continue reading Official Launch Coming Soon…