QIDAN submission – Targeted Foundational Supports

by Pathways | in News

QIDAN submission – Targeted Foundational Supports

As the coordinator of QIDAN, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) was engaged by the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (‘the Department’) and Queensland Treasury Corporation (‘QTC’) to consult with the advocacy sector in Queensland to inform the early development of a disability Targeted Foundational Supports Service System (TFSSS). In our consultations with the sector, it became clear that QIDAN believes developing effective targeted foundational supports is a crucial step for the success of the disability reforms.

QIDAN proposed a total of 64 recommendation, focused on:

1. service quality
2. service delivery
3. gaps in the NDIS Review recommendations
4. home and community care
5. the delivery of aids, equipment and assistive technology
6. supports for adults with psychosocial disability
7. early supports for children aged 0-9 with emerging development concerns and disability and their families
8. supporting young people aged 9-21 prepare and manage transition to adulthood

Submission on Targeted Foundational Supports – Word (8 MB)
Submission on Targeted Foundational Supports – PDF (434 KB)