We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.
Earlier this year, both the Australian Government and Queensland Government issued their initial responses to the Disability Royal Commission’s recommendations. The responses generated disappointment throughout the disability community, including the disability advocacy sector. QIDAN has carefully analysed the Australian and Queensland Governments’ responses to the Disability Royal Commission’s final report and recommendations, and we have… Continue reading QIDAN position paper – Government responses to DRC
The creation of a Foundational Supports Framework is one of the key recommendations made in the NDIS Review Report released in October 2023. Consultations were open to the public for discussion about what these supports should look like. QIDAN attended two sessions online and one face-to-face session in Brisbane to provide input and advice from… Continue reading QIDAN submission – General Foundational Supports
As the coordinator of QIDAN, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) was engaged by the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services (‘the Department’) and Queensland Treasury Corporation (‘QTC’) to consult with the advocacy sector in Queensland to inform the early development of a disability Targeted Foundational Supports Service System (TFSSS). In our consultations with… Continue reading QIDAN submission – Targeted Foundational Supports
We are an information and referral service that assists Queenslanders with disability, their family, friends and carers to find advocacy services to suit their needs and location. Where needed, we are happy to provide warm referrals to ensure people are able to access the services they need to improve their lives.