Contact Us

1800 130 582
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed


Please include your location in your message so we can refer you to services in your area.


Find Your Service Area

Service area map
Individual Disability Advocacy
  • Covers: Balonne Shire, Bulloo Shire, Bundaberg Region, Cherbourg Shire, Fraser Coast Region, Goondiwindi Region, Ipswich Council, Lockyer Valley Region, Maranoa Region, Murweh Shire, North Burnett Region, Paroo Shire, Quilpe Shire, Scenic Rim Region, Somerset Region, South Burnett Region, Southern Downs Region, Toowoomba Region & Western Downs Region 
  • Website:
  • Phone: (07) 4616 9700
  • Email:
  • Covers: Banana Shire, Barcaldine Region, Barcoo Shire, Blackall-Tambo Region, Central Highlands Region, Diamantina Shire, Gladstone Region, Livingstone Shire, Longreach Region, Rockhampton Region, Winton Shire & Woorabinda Shire
  • Website:
  • Phone: (07) 4922 0299
  • Email:
  • Covers:Aurukun Shire, Boulia Shire, Burdekin Shire, Burke Shire, Cairns Region, Carpentaria Shire, Charters Towner Region, Cassowary Coast Region, Cloncurry Shire, Cook Shire, Croydon Shire, Doomadgee Shire, Douglas Shire, Etheridge Shire, Flinders Shire, Hinchinbrook Shire, Hope Vale Shire, Kowanyama Shire, Lockhart River Shire, Mapoon Shire, Mareeba Shire, McKinlay Shire, Mornington Shire, Mount Isa City Council, Napranum Shire, Northern Peninsula Area Region, Palm Island Shire, Pormpuraaw Shire, Richmond Shire, Tablelands Region, Torres Shire, Torres Strait Island Region, Townsville City Council, Weipa Town, Wujal Wujal Shire and Yarrabah Shire.
  • Website:
  • Phone: (07) 4031 7377
  • Email:
Statewide Specialty Services