QIDAN submission – Anti-Discrimination Bill 2024
QIDAN welcomes the human rights approach and anti-discrimination reforms proposed by the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (the DRC Report). The first section of our submission recommends that the proposed reforms made by the DRC Report are incorporated in this draft Bill. This is a great opportunity for the Queensland Government to be a leader in advancing the rights of people with disability and realising an inclusive society by implementing the DRC recommendations into this draft Bill.
In the second section of our submission, we address the nine consultation questions included in the “Equality and non-discrimination for people with disabilities consultation paper”.
This submission aims to present solutions and recommendations based on QIDAN’s extensive advocacy experience.
Submission on Anti-Discrimination Bill – Word (3 MB)
Submission on Anti-Discrimination Bill – PDF (327 KB)