QIDAN Budget submission

by Pathways | in News

QIDAN Budget submission

In 2024-2025 QIDAN received $7 million in ongoing base funding and a temporary increase of $5 million that was just for the 2024-25 financial year. The temporary nature of this new funding means disability advocacy will be cut by over 40% on 1 July 2025 without further investment.

Our data shows that in the 2023 to 2024 financial year, QIDAN helped 1,579 people with 3,278 issues over 22,624 hours. Before the 2024-2025 uplift in funding we were only able to provide advocacy to 0.3% of people with disability in Queensland.

There is an urgent need for State funding to:

  • Meet the growing need and demand for disability advocacy in Queensland
  • Adequately address social issues and the impact of the disability reform (including the NDIS Review and the Disability Royal Commission) on an individual and systemic level
  • Sustain our organisational operations
  • Continue to meet the needs of Queenslanders with disability who were able to access independent disability advocacy due to increased funding for the 2024 to 2025 financial year
  • Save the jobs of advocacy staff members whose roles will no longer be funded after 1 July 2025.


QIDAN has 2 key asks:

Ask 1: Do not cut the $5 million from the uplift funding received late 2024. Sustain this funding on a permanent and ongoing basis, raising the sector’s funding to $12 million per annum from 2025 onward

Ask 2: Provide an additional $8 million in funding per annum on an ongoing basis to allow the sector to begin meeting the unmet need in Queensland, raising the total funding to $20 million per annum


Budget Submission – Word (370 MB)
Budget Submission – PDF (413 MB)


Disclaimer: We acknowledge the numbers explained here are slightly different from those in the full submission. The numbers on this page account for full indexation on the funding since 2022, whereas those in the submission are based on the original base funding.