Primary and Secondary School
Under the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) all Queensland children have a right to education and to enjoy their human rights without discrimination. This may mean that a school needs to make a reasonable adjustment to ensure education is accessible to a school student. This reasonable adjustment should be made in consultation with the student, or an associate of the student (such as their parent or carer).
When working with students, there must be awareness that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to meeting the needs of students. This means that what one student needs, may be different to the next. In order for students with disabilities to be provided an Education Adjustment Program (EAP), they may need to go through a verification process to identify the adjustments that are needed. To find out what supports are available for students with disability, visit the Education Queensland webpage.
If you or a loved one is experiencing difficulties in relation to reasonable adjustment, education adjustment plans and accessing inclusive education in Queensland state schools or home school, QAI has an education advocacy service which can provide advice and advocacy to the student and/or family/caregiver to assist with resolving the issue. Additional resources to family and caregivers of students with disability are the Queensland Collective for Inclusive Education (QCIE) who have a range of information, campaigns and peer support in relation to inclusive education and the Community Resource Unit who have a current project: “Families for Inclusive Education”.