Physical Health
Looking after your physical health can have benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. The Queensland Government has different programs available to support Queenslanders to live a healthier life.
The Health for Life program supports eligible people with different coaching options to develop new healthier living skillsets. In addition to the Health for Life program, the Health and Wellbeing Queensland website has a range of programs such as delicious healthy recipes, Heart Foundation Walking and the Deadly Choices Program.
Many local councils are also running physical health initiatives. An example of these initiatives is the active and healthy events run in Brisbane City local council area. Through the active and healthy events program there are options such as yoga, aqua classes, kayaking, abseiling, learning to skateboard and even sailing for free or low cost ($5.00). For information in your local council area, visit your council website online.
There are some disability specific sport and recreational activities as well as information about inclusive practice for coaches and sporting clubs available on the Queensland Government website.