Early Childhood
If your child is presenting with a delay or disability, it may be worthwhile connecting with the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s early childhood partner. You do not require a referral and the early childhood partners have teams of professionals with experience in working with children with developmental delays.
Should your child have difficulty accessing inclusive early childhood services, there is the Inclusion Support Program which works with families and services to identify and address any barriers to inclusion and the Kindergarten Inclusion Support Scheme which provides funding for inclusive support. Additionally, the Early Years Connect is to help educators to support children with complex additional needs to participate in early childhood education settings.
Supports for families and carers of children with disability include, Association for Children with a Disability (ACD), MyTime, Carers Australia, Raising Children and SourceKids. Additionally,
Family and Child Connect provides free, unlimited and confidential advice. For parents looking for practical upskilling, the Triple P Positive Parenting Program has been tested with thousands of families over four decades and helps
parents to feel more confident, less stress and less depressed.