Domestic & Family Violence
Types of abuse in domestic and family violence include: verbal abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, harassment and stalking, spiritual or religious abuse.
DVConnect’s Womensline is Queensland’s only 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year crisis response telephone helpline that can contacted on 1800 811 811. Womensline can help Queenslanders who want to escape domestic violence. Their service is for anyone identifying as a female, regardless of age, accessibility, ethnicity, gender orientation, or ethnicity. This includes friends in the LGBTIQ community. Womensline’s goal is to respond to immediate safety needs. They may be able to provide you with: Emergency transport ie taxi, bus, train or plane to remove you from violence. Safe, emergency motel accommodation, specialist crisis counselling, safety planning, information, referrals and support for those living with domestic violence.
When fleeing domestic violence, you may also need someone to look after your pets. Safe accommodation for pets can be found through the pets in crisis service. For more information visit the Queensland Governments domestic violence page.
DVConnect Mensline is a free, confidential telephone counselling, referral, information and support, service for Queenslanders identifying as male, and who may be experiencing or using domestic and family violence. This service is available 9am until midnight, 7 days a week. Mensline can be contacted on 1800 600 636.